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Comp, Focus, Light


Taken in Heron Bay, San Leandro.


I used the picture above for my "Comp, Focus, Light" assignment for my Multimedia class. The assignment is exactly what it sounds like: find a photo with composition, focus, and light and edit it to make look better. 


My photo fits the assignment because I used the rule of thirds for composition, focused the person into the picture, and fixed the lighting to top it off. 

The pictures shown to the left and right are other pictures I took and edited to fit the "Comp, Focus, Light" theme.


Space Photo


The point of a space photo is to emphasize all the space that's being shown in the photo, either in the background or if it's the whole photo.


In this photo, it's the background.

Taken in Seattle, WA.

Value Photo


In a value photo, you want a nice balance between the shades of black and white.

Taken at the Marina Park, San Leandro.


Shape Photo


The point of a shape photo is to emphasize a certain shape in the photo.


In this one, I emphasized the plane and the people on the land.

Taken in Heron Bay, San Leandro.


Josiah Zapata (1).png

This assignment was meant to start off our brand with our original brand images.


My brand, as you can see, is photography. I really liked this picture I took on top of the Space Needle so I used it for this assignment.

Taken in Seattle, WA.

Josiah Zapata.png

This assignment was to make a logo that represents our brand. I used the website Canva to make this logo, which I highly recommend.

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